Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ne Me Quitte Pas

Sometime at the end of this month, the LC ath UBD will be organising a Cultural Week (which actually lasted for 3 days only but is still called a week for whatsoever reason). From the French department, they wanna have some quiz game, karaoke (french songs) and i have no idea what else.

So obviously I'm interested, especially the karaoke part though i lack the confidence on doing so. I kinda search for some good French songs to sing; both classic and new, and actually found a great classical by Jacque Brel called "Ne Me Quitte Pas" which means "Do Not Leave Me". I'm sure most of you have heard of it, especially the English version.

I don't know, it seems kinda interesting and seeing that I can't find the karaoke minus one version, I'm thinking of playing it acoustically. UNLESS someone can help me in finding the karaoke version then i will forever be grateful.

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