Monday, January 24, 2011

A day called Monday

It's not even noon yet and my morning has been hectic. To start, I overslept! Don't know how it happened, but i kinda see the time as 6.30a.m. and not 7.30a.m. and class starts at 8a.m. =.=

Being a guy has it's advantage especially in the morning. From bed to getting dressed only took me less than 10mins (no comments). For breakfast I just gulped down everything and then off to school.

USUALLY home to UBD only takes about, I don't know, 15mins or so. HOWEVER, for some  unknown reason, TRAFFIC EVERYWHERE!!!! Seeing that there's only one way to get to UBD in 15mins, I can't take any alternative route (damn inventors, flying cars please). So there I was, expecting the traffic to only last maybe 15mins. Time check: 7.45a.m.

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I just hope that this is not gonna happen to me

I'm already stressed out with the being late and all, some fucking drivers just love to take their time when people are rushing. Went quite fast but this driver seems to be enjoying his morning, driving VERY VERY slow on the fast lane! ARGGGHHHHHH!!!!!

So anyway, I thought the traffic would subside once I passed the traffic light near the mosque in Jerudong. Turns out the traffic goes all the way to the highway *sigh*. An accident between three cars was the cause of the traffic as it is right at the entrance to the highway. Time check 8.15a.m.

Bla bla bla, yada yada yada, arrived to UBD at 8.25a.m. Went to class and thank god he just started his lecture about 5mins before I arrived. My lecture was suppose to last about 2hrs. He kinda summarize everything and class ended at 9a.m. *thank god*

Here I am, all alone at the ICTC in UBD, blogging, facebooking and chatting while waiting for my next class. May the rest of the day turns out well.

And to quote what my boss used to tell me, "when you're late, everything goes wrong. When you're early, everything goes smoothly. The truth is, you face the same thing in both situations but due to your mindset, you put the blame on everything."

Until then, Ciao and au revoir.

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epic fail or total LOL moment?

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