Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Outdoor Greatness

I can say one thing; today is anything but boring.

Everything was going according to plan. I woke up, took a bath, had breakfast and head out to Jynn’s house at around 8.30. He got his stuff and we hit the road.

On the way, Pablo (G Faiz) messaged me, asking me to pick him up since he was bored and would like to join us to the beach. I doubted at first since I’d be picking up Andy and I was using my small car. 2 big bodies + 1 small car =? Well, you do the maths.

Since it’ll be boring just the three of us I decided to bring him along. We had to wait around 15 minutes at his house since he was bathing/showering (whatever).

Soon after we picked up Andy and we went to Giant to buy some seasonings, chili sauce, chicken wings and hot dogs. Then we went to the fish market in Jerudong Beach and bought some tiger prawns then its beach party time!!! (Well, not really a party since it was only four guys and that’s it!!!)

As soon as we arrived, we built a fire, ‘cooked’ the charcoal and Andy, the chef prepared the wings and stuff. He brought all the necessities for his outdoor cooking and even marinated a bag of chicken breasts the previous night.

It took a very long time until the ‘grill’ was ready so we decided to hit the water while Pablo remains on shore since he didn’t want to get wet or something. Maybe about half an hour later, the grill was ready so Andy placed the wings for grilling and it smelled great! While Andy cleaned and marinated the prawns, I looked after the wings and you know what the best part is? I get first taste of the chicken. I know this will sound corny, but “Its finger lickin’ good”, Andy did a great job with the wings.

After a nice rest, Jynn decided to show Andy and Pablo a dead jellyfish on the beachside which me and him saw earlier. I stayed around to look after the fire and did they take a long time. So after the fire was right, I grilled the prawns. To bad that neither you nor I can upload scents but if that is ever possible, the grilled prawns smells d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!!

You want to know something weird? People tried to marinate prawns so they taste nice, we marinate it with ONLY salt and its fabulous. It was as if the prawn was grilled with butter ‘because the juice from the prawns was sweet. I think I’m going to do that again soon. Nyum~

So anyway, after the prawn, it was back to the chickens and hot dogs. Just saying, the hot dogs were marinated with BBQ sauce and…PEPSI!!! Cool right? It even tasted great. While the food was cooking, me (Myanmar guy he says) and Jynn put on our hakama, Jynn kendo and me Karate and decided to do a video or something like that.

(I’ll upload the videos and pictures soon)

We did a few poses, took a video of our so-called battle and took a dip in the water. The waves were very high and it was during the high tide so our usual shallow area was kinda deep, around abdomen level. The great phenomenon at our shallow zone is that the waves intersect at one point, forming a ‘pyramid’ as we call it, or if you see it from the top, an X shape.

We took a long time so after the dip, we decided that it was late, about 5+ p.m. (bear in mind that we were there from 11 a.m.) so we had a bite to eat then changed into our dry clothes, took a few pictures then we left the beach, hoping to do it again soon.

After sending Pablo, Andy and Jynn, I arrived home at around 7+. By the way, Jynn arrived at his house at 7 p.m. sharp and he has to leave for a work briefing after that. So anyway, I came home, took a bath and had dinner with the family + my uncle’s family since they dropped by, received a call from my sis in UK and when my uncle went home, I go straight into typing this out before I forget anything.

Somehow, lately I’ve been very forgetful, I wonder why…anyway, right after this thing is post up in the blog, I’ll go straight to bed since I’m dog tired.

I’ll try to upload the pictures and videos that were taken today and during the previous beach adventure, so I’ll inform when it’s up if anyone want to know. So goodnight and ja~

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