Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Day At The Mall

As planned yesterday, we went to the Mall today i.e. me, Jynn and Pablo. G-man decided to tag along.

I woke up around 7+ a.m. by a message from Pablo, asking me to take him and G-man to the Mall. I went back to sleep after that and finally woke up at 9+ a.m. I called up Jynn, informing about today’s plan and right after breakfast, I drove off to his house.

There, he was having his breakfast so I stayed there for a few minutes. Pablo messaged me again, informing me that we should head to the Mall at 11. Me and Jynn went to my house for a while, uploaded some pictures from yesterday and take off for Pablo’s house. Time check: 11.30.

From Pablo’s, we went to G-man’s house and finally set off to the Mall. I was wondering why there were so many people even though it was in the middle of the month. I had difficult time finding a parking spot. By the time I found a spot, it was past 12 p.m.

We went to the ATM machine first, checking if our allowance was available and it was very, very disappointing. None of us took any cash, but luckily everyone had some on them.

In front of the cinema, we saw some MS-ians and some other people that I know. Since Pablo and G-Man were talking to everyone (from MS that is) me and Jynn went off, walking around the Mall since we didn’t have much cash on us and we didn’t have anything to do. Pablo messaged, telling us that they’ll be watching the 1.20 p.m. show; “The Day Earth Stood Still”. It’s a new movie, I don’t know what’s it about but I heard the movie is great.

Anyway, my mom called, telling me that her car key was locked in the car, accidentally of course and ‘ordered’ me to get the spare key to her. After further information, the spare keys was at home and not with my dad at his office so I had to drive home, get the key and send it to her office at Bandar.

Pablo text me again, informing about the change of time for their movie, 3.20 p.m. so we went back to the Mall. The movie started and everyone went in, except Pablo since he was waiting for his ‘friend’. We waited and waited until me and Jynn went to the food court to eat and Pablo told us that his ‘friend’ just arrived and the time, 4.05 p.m. just imagine how much of the story he missed.

After eating at about 4+, we walked around the Mall again and I saw my old friend from SGS, Aini with her friends. Was going to say ‘hi’ but I changed my mind. MSNed with Ryu-chan, calling her over to the mall but she was at home.

Time was going by TOO slow. In the end, the only thing to do was waiting for them to come out of the movie. Lucky for us, it didn’t take that long. At about 5.15 p.m. they finally came out. Turned out that Pablo’s ‘friend’ brought her cousins along and he had to pay for them. They didn’t even thank him.

My plan was to leave the place before 5.30 but Pablo went off with his ‘friend’ for a while. He told me that his ‘friend’ wants to go to Qiulap and come back to the Mall and they wanted him to wait for them! Not gonna say anything. Me, Jynn and G-man had to wait for him to go away with his ‘friend’, to talk about stuff. G-man was lucky since he got a friend who worked there to talk to. Me and Jynn just go up and down the escalader, walked around G-man and his friend and we were able to leave but it was 10 minutes to 6 p.m.

After sending Pablo home, I sent G-man and he wanted me to drop him off at this vacant lot since he was gonna play football, oh well. as usual, I went home right after dropping Jynn off.

Washed my hair, had dinner, watched TV and now this. Too bad we didn’t take any picture today. What the heck. Ja~
p/s: I'll be 'leaving town' this weekend. Just informing...

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