Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oh so tired

You have no idea how tired i am. This whole week i've been sleeping late and waking up early.

I took part in the teachers' day performance, as a bass player in a band and voice-over in a drama. So at night i tried to practice the song we are playing, a song originally sang by 'estrange' title 'itu kamu' but the lyrics was modified by UIC's own Hafiz Aqilah. This is to fit the teachers' day celebration.

We (G Faiz, Afiq Naqiu, Hafiz Xpress, Shafiq Shahriman, Haziq and I) went jamming at '4 ace studio' in Delima last Tuesday. We played for 2.5 hours for $18 only. We played our song and some other songs.

We even rehearsed on Friday,9 in the morning till 5 afternoon. We actually did well the first time we played it, but after all the rehearsal, turns out we aced playing 'Muse - Time Is Running Out'.

On the real day, i came at 6.45 and everyone was already prepared.

I wore all black, with a beanie and a headphone as accessories. Our band did well, but we ended the song early. My drama was okay, i got confused with the voices since i have to played quite a few character.

Part 1 was okay but part 2, disasterous. We were tight on time so we have to rush everything, cut a few lines and stuff like that. Even some of the games for the teachers were removed. But still, it was a success.

This morning, i woke up around 10 minutes before 4 a.m. since me and my two cousins are going to Panaga (near KB) since one of my cousins is joining a triathon (race of swimming, biking and running). The event started at 6.30. Me and my other cousin waited till the event ended with the prize presentation and 'makan' at around 10+.

We left the area for JIS. Along the way, we talked about movies and stuff and fell asleep until we reach our destination.

They were having a football competition between schools and booths were set up for the visitors. Ran into some old friends and finally went home at 1.

We stopped by at 'Ayamku' to have lunch. Took a bath and took an undisturbed, 4 hours power nap.

I woke up to have dinner where my uncle and his family came to visit. We went to traditional massager (?) and we just came home.

The time now is 0029 hour. I'm dead tired and is going to hit the sack. So till next time,ja~

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