Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

"Look at me, I'm a witch!"
*got this pic from Qal*
I sort of ran out of things to say.

today for chem, we made 'high-quality drug' a.k.a penicillin (?). my partner was Silah and our experiment went well, except maybe a speck or two impurities still remains so our 'medicine' can kill haha.

a football match went on this morning for the 'Z.I Football Match' and i went to support the UICs teams. There wasn't much challenge since most of the match was between them and the Form Ones. i pity them.

Right after that, me, Gman, Baseet and Afiq went to G Faiz's house to play some video games. We had lunch and stayed there till 6!

That's about it actually. like i said, didn't have much to say. so ja~

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