Tuesday, November 11, 2008

birthday bash

4 days of updates.

On Saturday was chemistry EOY practical. Only one phrase to describe it, “f**king hell!” meaning it’s very difficult. It was made in a new format. 3 long questions are to be done in 2 hours. It was just TOO long! Saxon told us this yesterday that every other countries are complaining about it as well. For the result, we’ll have to wait and see.

That afternoon, Mizan, Gman, Hafiz and I went to G Faiz’s house, again to play some games, releasing the stress from the exam. As usual we played COD and Winning Eleven 2008. We had a great then that we stayed for 5 hours. After sending everyone home, I went home and played some more games on my pc, this time using a controller that Ramzul lend me, for trial purpose.

On Sunday, I woke up earlier than usual for one particular purpose, to bake some cookies, peanut butter cookies to be exact. It was for a party the next day. The baking was a success, it tasted ok to me, others said its great and like a saying in the business world, “the customer’s always right”.

Yesterday was more relaxing I guess, first two periods spent time in the library, playing with some games on Khai’s new laptop. Then for the next one half hour, Jann, Dal, Naz and I went out to grab the cake for the party planned on that day. We went to Kiulap for the cake, bought breakfast from Mom’s Bakery, junk food from Teguh Raya and went back to school for a last minute preparation.

We went to Geo room, for some more last minute planning and when it was time, we surprised our Geo teacher; Mr. Gareth for it was his 54th birthday. He was surprised and we were glad that he liked it. The whole lesson we celebrate, some of his PU-2 students came in to greet him. We ate a lot; there were a chocolate ice-cream cake contributed by Jann, macaroni contributed by Rumm, cheese cake by Naj, chocolate truffles (?) by Afiq and my peanut butter cookies. There were also more junk foods contributed by the other students and drinks by Aziz. We spent the lesson with a competition of ‘who can fit the most pringle’s chips in their mouth’ and somehow Saiful got 10!! Mr. Gareth gave us some chocolates. Thank you. I lost count of the number of times we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.

As for chemistry, the whole 3 hours lesson was on revision work. I didn’t mind at all since we will be having our Chemistry theory EOY exam this Saturday so yeah.
Today was a bit tiring, for me. I sprained my wrist the night before from falling of the chair, so I have to spend the whole day with my hand wrapped in bandage (?). Not much to say actually, its Hafiz porno’s birthday today and he treated us, $1 each. Thanks man and happy birthday, 18 and legal.

This afternoon I went to the education UK exhibition at the Centrepoint Hotel. It was packed but hey, for educational purpose. Saw lots of people I know, got interested in some of the universities so yeah. After getting a handful of prospectors, I went home and got into a deep sleep, from 3-7 I think. Just had dinner and now this.

That’s all I have to say for now, I want the pictures from our party in the Geo room, maybe someone can give it to me,hmm~

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