Thursday, September 18, 2008


Just writing up incidents that happened for the past few days. Not that anything interesting happened but yea, bear with me here aytz?


Other than we had ‘sembahyang hajat’ in school, nothing much actually happened. That afternoon I had my driving lesson. I went there earlier since my dad had something else to do. I waited for about 30mins at the land transport building in Gadong.

I saw something interesting; in fact you wouldn’t see it anywhere. You know those tiny cyclone things that get to see at times, where the sand moves upward in a rotation kind of thing? Well, I get to see it, in a much bigger scale! I was quite big, carrying with it leaves and sand. Usually it would remain at one spot, but this one moves real fast, like a real cyclone, knocking down things that was in its way.

Anyway, my lesson was fun, even though it was only for one hour, it was great. I think I did better than my previous lesson. At times, I went over the allowed speed since my teacher wasn’t paying attention.

Went back at the stadium where I saw Raziqin, having her first lesson and it looks much more interesting than mine. I mean, my first hour was on parking lesson and she gets to drive around the area. Anyway, other than her, Nani was there as well. She was on her 11th hour. We talked about stuff until she went home. I finished at 2p.m. but my dad picked me up at 3! Owh well, what to do.


Overslept. Left home at 7a.m. and was worried that everyone would be in the audi by the time I arrived. Texted Ramzul to informed me about the situation in school but somehow he was late as well.

We were having our ‘Khatam Al-Quran’ so everyone was allowed to wear their ‘cara melayu’ and ‘baju kurung’, some wore their school uniform but hey, who am I to tell them what to do. I think I really stood out since I was the only guy in school that wore a striped ‘cara melayu’.

Anyway, the event ended around 10+a.m. but no one went to class since no one brought their school stuff. So we hanged out in the canteen, waiting to go home. Not much happened then, except we (me, zaki, hakeem and ramzul) played this typing game online, based on the lyrics of some Japanese songs, lots of fun there.

That’s all for the day that seems to matter.


The start of the holiday! Somehow I woke up early, don’t know why. I was planning to watch ‘GTO the movie’ DVD that I just bought but my sis wanted to go somewhere.

We went to get her laptop, which somehow was only available at 1p.m. so we went to Ong Sum Ping to get her flu-shot. After I parked the car, I went to look for them and got lost, somehow. It was not until they were done that I found them.

We stopped by my cousin’s house for a while before I went for my driving lesson while my sis and cousins went for bowling. My lesson was as usual, not much happened but somehow, the car didn’t stop this time, yes I’ve improved! The 1st hour was on the road and the next hour was parking lesson.

*fast forward*.

Went home from my lesson and watched my DVD. It brings back memories since I last watched it way back. The movie was made in 1999, so you should get me.

We (the family) went to my lil’ cousin’s birthday party right before sungkai. It was a great party, I mean with games and stuff and it was organised by ‘Jollibee’. There was even an ice-cream truck, best known as ‘Mr.Softy’. lots of kids, mostly my lil cousin’s friends from school. Great food, great time and I think it was the adults that consumed the most ice-cream. I had 3 cones!

When the mascots of the Jollibee came out, it was funny to hear some of the kids crying. Again, us ‘kids’ conquered when taking photos with them. Bear in mind when I said ‘us kids’, the age ranged from 15-50. yes I know it’s weird but hey, we’re just having fun.

When the Jollibee crew went away, everything seems a bit quiet with most of the kids went home and some of the old folks went for ‘terawih’. As for us (the cousins included), we were playing with our little cousins, laughing around and stuff. This may be the lat time for us to do so since some of us are flying off soon.

Went home after that, continued with my DVD and after watching a few shows on TV, went to sleep.

That’s all I can say, don’t know if there’s anything else that I forgot but well~

So happy holiday people and JA~

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