Thursday, August 21, 2008


I was tagged by my loyal blog visitors, Ami and Qal. I was going to post this earlier but then again, I was too busy. So I think most of you understand the purpose of this post as explained by the following instructions:-

State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
The 10 people I tag are then to follow what I did and write their own weird things/habits/little known facts.
Most importantly, NO TAGBACKS.

15 weird things/habits/facts about me:-

- I’m fond of monkeys, seriously. I think I have about 4-5 dolls on monkeys and that doesn’t include my monkey keychain. No, I don’t play with dolls, some of them are gifts and some belongs to my dad which I ‘borrowed’ from him.

- I’m into classic style and that includes music, fashion and accessories. I think most of you knew that before this. Not that I don’t like those new things that’s happening around me, but you get me right? Vintage and stuff, and I don’t think I have classic ways of thinking.

- I eat too fast. Usually I don’t chew my food properly so sometimes I swallowed a huge chunk of my food. If I was in a hurry and I need to be full for a long time than I would gulped down everything, big or small, fries or meat slice.

- I’m a cheapskate. This is why I don’t go shopping for clothes and stuff. Even when I find this piece of item interesting and something I was fond of plus I have enough money to get it, I just skipped away. Yet, the situation would differ in other areas, such as gifts and FOOD. Strangely, I’m always broke.

- I never show my bad-moodiness (?) to people, in school that is. Just ask anyone, I mean is there any reason for me to do so? So I’m in a bad mood, doesn’t mean that everyone have to suffer because of me right? So even if I’m in my worst mood in the morning, it’ll break as soon as I see my friends.

- I get fooled easily. Not those,” he’s easily fooled. Lets make him buy us food” kind of way. Just normal tricks and stuff.

- I’m into those weird and creepy stuff like ghost hunting, horror and thriller movies etc. but I feel scared when I want to be part of the action. I laughed at horror movies, knowing that they’re faked but in real life? I have to think about it. Still, horror is the best.

- I get influenced easily. Not influenced in a bad way like do drugs and rape and kill and stuff, I’m still sane you know. What I meant was in terms of style, music etc. but it wouldn’t last long, usually a couple of days and then *poof*.

- I’m not a tidy person *duh~*. Most of my things are not organise i.e. clothes, notes, books etc. so it’s easy for me to lose my things, even in my own room. Sometimes I forgot where I put my mobile phone even when I just left it on the table about 5mins ago and spent at least 10 mins searching for it.

- I have a habit of keeping old stuff. Just check on the cabinet near my door and you can find cans and bottles of different kind of drinks and accessories.

- I’m so stingy that I don’t allow anybody in the house to take/eat anything that’s mine in the house. Usually drinks and chocolates. Most of the time, my chocolates in the fridge would remain untouched for months. In the end, my lil sis would eat them, knowing that I have forgotten all about it.

- I have dozens of T-shirts and half a dozens (I think) of jeans and camos, but somehow I always wear the same T-shirt that I wore the previous week (washed of course) and that includes my pants. Maybe I should set up a timetable of which clothes to wear on which day. (OCD much~ right QAL XP)

- I spaced out a lot. Even when talking to people, I sometime daydreamed about stuff (no perverted thoughts, don’t worry). Even in class (a normal thing) I spaced out too much that I never understand the lesson. This situation is what I call ‘sleeping awake’.

- My brain would go crazy late at night, usually at times like 2-4am. I mean, I would talk about illogical stuff, blurt out words that doesn’t make sense etc. Then again, I’m still hyper even if I don’t have my sleep.

- Lastly, I’m the kind of person where other people’s happiness comes before mine. So, I don’t mind doing stuff that I’m capable of at that moment to help others. Again, it all depends on the situation. Plus, I always bottle up my feelings/thoughts, but don’t worry, nothing about my friends.

I think that’s most of it, not including those personal things as those would only be told upon request. I reslly don’t know who to tag so here’s my ’10 likely candidates’:

4.sir bio
5.muizzah big sis(ZORO) of the UIC people
9.ramzul(the holy mustard)

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