Friday, August 22, 2008

Additional habits

I feel that 15 points is not enough, might as well add a few more points. Well, here goes:-

- i consider waking up before 10a.m. on holidays as early. Sometimes, i would wake up around 2p.m.

- i can eat again even after eating 15 mins before that. Yet, during dinner or lunch at home, i don't eat much.

- my view for my height changes alternately(?). Sometimes i feel short while other times i feel tall.

- i think i have big bone structure, at least that's what my mom said. It was in the genes. This include very dense bones.

- i can't draw yet i can comment on other people's drawing and making them look nicer (sometimes).

- i'm very forgetful, like what's happening at this momment. I would forget something that i was thinking about, things that i just place at certain places etc.

- i once fell on my head. It was on the stairs, from the 1st floor to the ground floor. The back of my head landed on the edge of the stair.

Sorry can't mention anything else, basically I FORGOT what i want to say. So that's all i guess. Ja~

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