Thursday, August 07, 2008


5.40a.m. It was kinda late, but then again there's no need to rush this morning. Took a bath, prepared my karate gi and then went down for breakfast.

I left for school at 6.40. Slept through the whole way and arrived at school at 7.15.

Went to Geo right after registration. A normal lesson on problems in Cairo settlement. After handing in our town plan for GP, we went to the library where i did my pure maths past year. It was weird since i seldom do it but yeah, maybe it's the thing with everyone else was doing their work.

Maths was like always, we did our work and sing and chat the whole time. Maybe with all the singing, we can form a band called 'The PU1A2 Maths Class'. It sounds to literal.

Break time was a bit quiet than usual. Oh yeah, today is Haji Faezul's birthday, so the gang (PU1 boys) sang him a birthday song.

I was informed that we would not have karate today so i was thinking of watching the kendo-ka. They were just starting their warm-up when Ms.Lee walked towards me, telling me about the karate-kas having a talk in the conference room about MacBook.

So i entered the room and they were all there (minus a few people). After the talk, i'm starting to like MacBook since it is use mainly in multimedia. I think i'll post a picture of it next time.

Chem class in the afternoon was quiet as there was only 8 of us who attend the class, but then again it was kinda interesting, the lesson i mean.

Hanged out with Zak after class, or was it 30min after class? Anyway, it was entertaining, we did what we do best, talk, joke and laugh. I had to go home early, leaving her to catch up on stuff with Nigel.

I was kinda tired so like earlier this morning, i slept through the whole journey home and continued my snooze when i reached home. We have 'tahlil' at my gramps tonight. My dad left early to send my lil sis to her tution. Me and my mom went a bit late, me driving.

Like every week, things were normal except for everyone not feeling well and the seafood fiesta. Anyway, at 9 my sis came from KB and i used the car to pick up my lil sis, with my mom accompanying me of course.

We left my gramps house at 10.45 and i drived home again. From then till now, the usual so yea. Till then, chow~

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