Sunday, July 27, 2008


I have proven the point that I am truly ignorant about the world. As you all knew, before I realised it, Heath Ledger, the man who played “The Joker” in the latest batman movie, ‘The Dark Knight’ died 6 months before the movie was released. I just knew that after watching the movie. I was hoping that the next batman movie, joker would be in it until someone crushed my hope when they told me he died.

Anyway, today the family is going out to watch the movie in the cinema, looked forward to that. Anyway, series of boring things happened between the times I woke up until watching the movie.

So, woke up 11+ not happily but cranky, I got my reasons. Anyway, went out to dispose off the built up rubbish at the back. Went back home, time for lunch. Skipping the info on what I ate bla bla bla, went back to my room, watched the ‘parkour’ videos contributed by the holy mustard. I think I spent more than 1 hour for that.


About the parkour thing that I mentioned, it’s a project set-up by Ramzul and Khai for our forum (Missing Otakus) which is to be held at the end of the year. So far we only have five participants. So if anyone is interested, just approach us, ask us about the project, we’d be delighted for any participation in this.

p/s: to those who don’t know what parkour is, search for it. for demos, find from

Anyway, ate a few home-made donuts and dinner and went of to the movie. It starts at 7p.m. at Q-Lap Mall. Even though this is my second time watching it, I’m still amazed and amused by joker, I mean he IS the real deal in the movie. I like the way he thinks, I like the way he looks and I like the way he acts. In other words, I just like him, the character I mean, not the actor.

So the movie ends and off we go, home I mean. From there ‘till now, that’s what this day is all about, being happy and stuff. I quote,

“Why so serius?”
This quotation pops up in most blogs lately.

message engraved

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