Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ok i'll start my blog with something simple...


There was nobody to blame but myself for waking up late, shouldn't have watched that late night show. anyway, using my 15min morning preparation, i was down and ready for breakfast. mind you i haven't got my license even when i'm 18 now. so i still have to rely on my dad, which was of course, late.


school was...erm, school. you know, works to be done, lessons to be attended to, food to be eaten, friends to talk to etc. nothing much really.

stayed back today though. didn't enter maths remedial but went to drama practice, not telling for what, next time. anyway, it was a great drama, i respect them for writing/thinking of/creating such a story which gives out the message evenly.

after that, joined the guitar groupie, discovered a new song that i can play on my guitar so yea. end the day with a nice cold milk while watching handball matches befor going home.


so tonight as planned, we are to go to the 'tanglong' or 'kereta berhias' thing in bandar. i really don't get it, i mean why 'tanglong'? it doens't look like a lantern to me. i prefer the word 'kereta berhias' better since they are all decorated cars.

anyway, cancel the plan of going with my other cousins since we went out late. when we were in bandar, the traffic was worst than the line in the canteen (obviously). never did realise that there are lots of bruneians. why can't they just do carpooling? save time, oil and less pollution you know.

since the traffic wasn't leading us to any good, we turned around and headed to the gadong pasar malam. bought some food and went straight home. eating the festive food while watching the festivity on the tube, that's how i prefer it, i mean no crowds and stuff. after all, we can see things clearly, the events, everything.

anyway, BSP,BSM & BST won the 'kereta berhias' and bruneian tug-of-war or 'tarik kalat' team won the borneo league.

now i'm ending this nonsence and try to get some sleep, yet i need help on updating and stuff for my blog since i'm new with this.

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