Tuesday, October 28, 2008

you know how it goes

Imagine this, the last time I post up something was the first day of raya, which makes it…hmm, u do the maths.

If I was to tell you everything that happened from then till now, it’ll take a lot of typing so I’ll just summarise everything into a small piece of post.

This raya, well I think it was ok, lots of eating since lots of people was having their open house. House after house, I ate and I ate but never full since everything looks oh so delicious.

Sure this raya I received lots of green packets, some yellow, some blue and some grey but hey, it’s still angpau. I thought that I could save up a little but well, you know how life is nowadays. You just can’t stop spending.

Since school started about 3 weeks ago I think and I drove to school, everyday money just flows out from my wallet. I have to buy the fuel for my car, pay for my own food etc. even though sometimes my parents gave me some cash to spend on but they will just disappear eventually.

Lots of raya-ing this year. I get to drive a lot. I came home late a couple of times and it was only because I was raya-ing with Jynn. I only went to a few friends like Kimah, Pai, Nazmi, Andy and Nazmi plus others.

Everyone is stressed out with their exams and that includes me. It is the exam fever season I would say. Lucky for me (or unlucky some would say) I only have my EOY to worry about. Yesterday I have my GP exam which is somehow okay, I managed to write up stuff which I don’t think I can write about again and today I have my Geo exam. I think I fucked up this paper since most of the materials that I read didn’t come out.

Pinji lend me her external hard disk where she kept her collections of TV series and some movies. So I think this few days, I would relax my mind by spending my whole free time watching them before hitting the books for my upcoming chemistry exam which is on the 5th for practical and 15th for the theory. Wish me luck.

I don’t have much to say. This Friday (31st) there is a free jazz concert held at the Rizqun hotel. It is a jazz performance by Asians where there is a Thai(saxaphone), a Malaysian(Pianist) and three Japanese(Guitar, Bass and Drum). I’m looking forward to that.

I forgot to mention that last Friday, there is a gathering, or ‘Raya Celebration’ held at the fire department auditorium for my dad’s old village, which is Pandai Besi ‘A’. For some of you who don’t know what it is, it’s one of the villages in the water village a.k.a Kampong Ayer. My side of the family (including my cousins) performed a song. We had fun rehearsing and on that day itself, it was fun. We get to meet up cousins we never knew bla bla bla.

That’s all of it I guess, I just can’t remember anything else. My dearly beloved is spending her mid term holiday in Poland. Have fun there; don’t forget to get me some poles XP. So yea, that’s all. After I’m done posting this, I’m gonna spend my whole night watching ‘family guy’ and ‘south park’. Chow~

p/s: no pictures for now, just to lazy to upload. Maybe next time.

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