Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Freedom at last


Where should I start?

I couldn’t sleep right after ‘sahur’, maybe I was excited on getting my driving license today. So, I watched DVDs. First it was ‘Death Note 3: L change the World’ followed by ‘Meet the Spartans’. Both movies are great, especially death note, I like L’s style and ‘Meet the Spartans’, absolutely hilarious.

Around 9 a.m. my sis told me to get ready to go out. Finally the time has come. We went directly to the land transport building in Gadong. I expected a long lone but everything seems to go by smoothly.


I was expecting that the first place I go when I got my license was someplace interesting. Somehow, my first place was ‘Supa Save’ in Gadong. Goddamnit. Oh well, at least it was fun (I think).

Then off to Kiulap to go to ‘Mom’s Bakery’ since my sis wasn’t fasting and she was hungry. The fresh pastries smells great!

Next it was to ‘Hua Ho’ in Tanjung Bunut to get some stuff. That was where we ran into an old teacher of ours, SGS ex-discipline/Maths/English/Art teacher, teacher Doris or teacher Bunga for some, for unknown reason. At least she remembered who I was.

Sidetracking a bit. Just saying that it was normal for one teacher to teach a couple of subjects at once.

Anyway that afternoon, I was craving for buttermilk chicken at the mall and end up going there. Wohoo! My first driving to the mall alone! So yea, didn’t see anyone I know. After getting my food, since I have no other places to go, I went home and continue my DVD marathon.

I watched ‘Shutter’ the Thai version and ‘Hellboy 2’. I don’t think shutter is that scary, I mean the ghost just come and then disappear, except for the part where she chases the main character till he leaped of the building. As for Hellboy, great as always. The creatures are great since their designer is the same as the one for ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’. No comment for that.

‘Sungkai’ time was fine as usual. My sis went out to have ‘sungkai’ with her friend. Right after that watched some TV while my dad fixes some lights and my mom fix dinner. It was quite fulfilling. After resting for a while, my parents and I went out to drop off some stuff. Nothing much to mention.

oh yeah, tomorrow we will not celebrate Hari Raya eventhough the new moon was SEEN by many people. logically we should have celebrate it tomorrow. oh well, at least i got some extra time to clean up my room.

So other than my DVD marathon, I think I spent the whole day driving around. Where to next?

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