Monday, September 29, 2008

this is my day

A story about yesterday.

I woke up around 7a.m. in the morning since we were going to the annual ‘kubur’ visit. My dad informed me beforehand that we would be at my gramps house by 8a.m. so after taking a bath, I went down and was surprised to see that no one was down.

*15 minutes snooze*

Called my gramps house and nobody picked up the phone, maybe everyone was still asleep. Got there at 8+ and after everyone was ready, we went on our way.

The weather was great, not so hot since it was cloudy but the air was kinda warm with no wind blowing in our way. We went to 3 areas that day. Of all the places we went, only one had a very interesting story to tell.

At our last stop, there were more than a dozen monkeys hanging around close to us but there was this pair of monkeys that was giving us a ‘free show’ if you get what I mean and was posing when pictures was taken, I didn’t have my camera at that time so, no pictures for me.

At around 12p.m. we went to my gramps house to rest. There we (the cousins) hang out, chit-chatting away, playing UNO and stuff until finally most of us went to sleep. I played a couple of games with my cousins Nintendo Wii.

I had my haircut after that, took me around an hour, so did my dad and my lil sis. was gonna post some pictures but i changed my mind.

That night, right after dinner, my sis and I went out. We went DVD shopping since my sis bought a new DVD player for U.K and she needs a lot of DVDs to occupy her time there.

We went to coffee zone to go online and finally went home around midnight. So yeah, that’s about it. Till next time, ja~

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