Sunday, August 03, 2008

The sound of silence

Today, things just went by oh so quietly. This morning, it was my dad who woke me up at 9+. At first it was weird but then he mentioned us going to his cousin's wedding ceremony.

Then my mom said the same, but she also said about pasta. I took a short nap but it wasn't a nice one. Outside my door, my mom was screaming and shouting to my lil sis for not completing her project, actually what's left was printing it.

Anyway, i took a bath, got ready for the 'panggilan' and went down for breakfast. Even when getting ready, my mom was still shouting at my lil sis. I noticed that my dad didn't say a thing over the screams that's going on then.

Left the house for the 'panggilan' at Lambak. The food was great. When the event ended, we stopped by Bismi to buy the printer's inks (in case we ran out).

Went home, helped my lil sis finish her printing and by 2.30p.m. the project was ready to be bind. In the end, the project was completed and i spent the whole afternoon on bed (asleep of course).

That night, my mom and i went to my uncle's house in Bengkurong to get the packs of ice-cream that was promised by my aunt. I spent my whole time there playing with baby Myrith and Myza (going to post their pictures soon) while my mom and uncle talked about 'stuff' that's just too much to mention. My sis stopped by soon after.

Went home and i prepared the props that i needed for tomorrow's play for the 'Majlis Ilmu' thing in the ICC.

From then up till now, nothing interesting happens. So, till next time, chow~

p/s: zak can come to the farewell party, so i'm going with her instead of Anati. Hope everything will turn out fine.

pp/s: i'm taking my first driving lesson tomorrow. I hope it'l be ok 'cause i want my driving license ASAP.

ppp/s: about this post title, it's about me not saying anything today about any arguements(?) that happened.

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