Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm 'sleeping' away~

I lost interest in waking up at 5.30 this morning. It was dark from the cloudy weather so i overslept.

On the way to school i snooze off as usual. Came late to school due to the huge traffic jam infront of the Empire hotel.

We did alkenes for chem. It was normal. Stats, well for the whole 3 periods we did NOTHING. I was jobless that i fell asleep for a couple of minutes and went blog-hopping after that.

Break time was cool,not sunny but it was a great, cold weather. We started with 'Crime and Punishment' for GP. The acting principal entered our lesson so everyone was in their 'best' behaviour.

Finally Geo, since most of us have Physics this afternoon and Mr.Gareth got some marking to do, we watched a DVD on 'Carribean Pirates'. It was boring!!! Fell asleep again.

Lunch was a bit, quiet. One by one, the physics students came into view and soon after, when the clock strikes quarter to 2, they left, ready to face their doom.

Me n hafiz(aqilah) found an empty room where we each read a book (the horrible histories series) and somehow fell asleep while the juniors went by the classroom. So bored that i read the book till the end.

Hanged out with Zak before i went home. Played this brain training game on her DS while waiting and i sucked.

I haven't create a post like this for a week. Somehow i find doing this, lame -__-" ~

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