Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My fault?

So there i was, minding my own business in my room, editing pictures when suddenly *BOOM!*

A hard knock on my door. I opened it and a glare from my mom. I'm to lazy to type out the whole conversation. It's about me not entering registration every morning for about 1 week!

How she know? Mr.Soh called my mom and explained the situation to her. So i had, i think half an hour lecture,both by my parents, mostly my dad.

I was quiet the whole time. My dad lectured about the importance of discipline etc. He told me to be frank, i would but i know i would still be blamed for what i was going to say.

=> First of all, my dad said that the teachers knows my character, i don't think Soh knows.

=> i know it's my fault for not seeing Soh and telling him about me being late, so blame me for that.

=> i can't drive legally. So even though i woke up at 6.20a.m. and was prepared by 6.35a.m., was i to blame if i left home at 6.50a.m.? I mean, my dad takes up half an hour for a bath, getting dress etc. for 15min. So who's fault is it?

=> every morning, we take the highway. From my house to school at least 30min. Anothr route is by going through Jangsak, least is 15min. Who's to blame? Not me.

=> "Be good to your teachers." come to think of it, i was! Not in an apple-polishing, butt-kissing way but just in good relation you know.

=> "Be a good boy," which i have been all this time (i think). I don't go around picking up fights, destroying school properties, smoking in toilets and other stuff. Minus not doing assignments and talking in class, that's what i would do.

=> registration starts at 7.15a.m., i arrived at school 7.30a.m. when everyone else had left the classroom to go to their respective classes. What did i do? I did the same. My fault? Maybe, if Soh was still in the class.

I'm sure my dad talked about other stuff but i just don't remember. While he was talking, i was talking back, telepathically. Anyway, have to explain myself to the deputy principal (Ivy or Malai) and present a letter to them on Thursday. I hope i get things straight with them. Wish me luck.

p/s: just editted, i forgot to mention that i shouldn't blame anyone but myself. It's a normal thing for people to blame others when they know they're wrong.

pp/s: if you noticed the poll at the sidebar, it's just a question to prove something to lolibear.

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