Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Day In A Life

Maybe it's a sign of a good day ahead of me. I had a dream this morning, it took place at the Makro Jaya area in Sengkurong. Surprisingly, there was, the guitar legends, SANTANA and ERIC CLAPTON, doing a live performance, but there was no crowd! Anyway, few incidents went foggy but what i remembered was that i asked for Santana's signature, going on and on with him as a guitar legend. After that, i asked for a few tips on guitaring. Suddenly, my mom walked in. Somehow she was a friend to Santana!! I mean, he even asked her about my sis, "so hows Faridah?" (yes, i know you're proud when you read this). Something happened after that then i woke up.

My alarmS went off, except my phone alarm since i forgot to set it last night. The annoying beeping sound and the digital display flashing '5.30'. Since i like my dream, i jumped from bed and wrote down the detail on a piece of paper so that i can post it here. Anyway, i was felt fresh as i have my reasons.

I was trying to make a point that no matter how early i rise in the morning, i would still leave the house a bit late. After waking my parents, i took a bath and since it's early, i took my time. I was ready by 6.10a.m. as in by that time i was having breakfast. Anyway, left home at 6.40 i think. I have proven my point!

Arrived at school 7.15 and the classroom was so quiet, like something's not right. Got lecture from Mr.Soh(read post titled "My fault?"). 7.20a.m. went to audi for Australian Maths Competition. We finished at 9. GP was quiet as well. Continued with Pure Maths class, finished my work and relaxed. As usual, we sang a few songs to kill time.

Break time was normal i guess. Tried to post the previous entry using Ramzul's laptop but didn't finish it. Changed into Karate Gi, do some parkour with Ramzul and got scolded by Ms.Robina. Karate was relaxing but at the same time tiring as sensei didn't trained us today, but Elisha's training was more tiring though.

Chem class, we did hydrocarbons etc. After that it was drama practice. Around 4+ hang out at the concourse with a few people, Ian with his 'boredom is following me' thing. Then small talk with KIMAH. Went home almost 6p.m. and went to C.A.M. Stopped by this new shop called 'Treasure City' where my dad bought this unique vase and a small amethyst, which looks like an eye(naturally). The shop owner told us that the marking(black spot) on my right thumb means i'm #1(?) but i always give other people the chance that i stood behind them. Whether its true or not, its just a fortune telling thing.

Had 'tahlil' at my gramps house. Forward to when in the car with my mom, on the way to pick up my lil sis from tuition. We had a conversation about her computer teacher and project. Here's the thing, her teacher NEVER help her on the project and she complained that my lil sis's project looks like a form6 work! Why is she complaining?! The conversation is too long that my fingers would go numb if i type it all out.

Small events happened between then and now but i'm just too tired to describe it all. So that's all for today, till then, chow and good night to you all.

p/s: to my kaka, i don't think my life story is addictive haha.

pp/s: notice that i write/post in English only. People say that blogging improves your English and that's what i'm trying to do. To those who have good english, please correct me if i'm wrong, i would appreciate it, thanks.

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