Tuesday, March 17, 2009


i think this may be the first time for me to curse in my post, at least the most. just bear with me ayt?


now you'll be wondering why. you see, for the last three months, my PC was 'sick' so i have to sent it away to the 'hospital' and after 3 long months of waiting, i finally get my PC back, which at this moment i'm using to abuse your mind with lots of swear word.

so i went to the 'doctor' and for the last time check my PC at the 'hospital'. everything seems fine, all upgraded, looking good as new, in fact better than before. so anyway, the shocking news came.

me: so is the data still available?
doctor: erm, i have to format your hard disk
me:WHAT?! did you create a back-up for it?
doctor: let me check first...*click here, click there* i can't seem to find to back-up file.
me: *flaming but still calm* why didn't you? last time i told you to create back-up files before repair
doctor: but i already called you to tell you that i have to format.
me: that i know but you asked me if i have any important data in the hard disk and i told you yes and i even told you to create back-up
doctor: well, i can't access your hard disk so i cannot back-up
me: okey lah, nevermind.

so that's the situation. you can obviously see that i was insisting, annoyed and feeling so fucked up but yeah, i kept calm, as always but deep inside i was cursing him. the least he could do was inform me that he cannot access my hard disk, so that i can stop him from formating my hard disk. fuck!

*before i leave*
me: if you found the back-up files, that is if you maybe by accident backed it up, please contact me.

maybe he detect the crazy aura escaping me but i just smile.

so now you understand. 5 years of memories, all those songs, pictures, documents, gone and never to come back. i don't even have a back-up for all of them since i don't expect my PC to breakdown. so yeah, my PC, a patient i sent off to the hospital for a minor injury, came back all fresh, all new, with permanent amnesia.

to those memories, would only remain memories, without pictures or videos to prove that it happened:-

Brunei International Tattoo 2006, 5 months event
Sukang and Melilas trip, hardcore yet fun
field trips organised by the school
beach and shahbandar pictures
pictures of long lost friends
pictures of family events

all gone with the wind, or in this case, system...

somebody better build a time machine fast, i'm in desperate needs here.

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