Monday, March 30, 2009

10 days?!

You get what i's just too short.

My holiday is full with activities. On the night of the last day of school, i flew away to Kuching for the next 5 days. Yes, it was fun.

When i came home, i was busy with my cousins wedding, two brothers actually and finally ended yesterday, on the last day of holiday! By the way, i saw Riffin, ex-MS yesterday. Still the same guy.

I hate the morning rush on the first day of school, especially today.

Woke up at 5.30, went back to sleep till 6.30, no water so used bottled water, no breakfast. Time check = 6.50. My mom made me send my lil sis to school and i was already late.

Got a call from my uncle and mom, both scolded me for driving too fast. Not my fault.

Then traffic at Bengkurong and Bunut. Lucky for my sis she wasn't late, unlucky for me, the only late guy on the first day of school.

That's my day so far.

P/s: bah Bi, aku bomb skulahmu, kau bomb skulahku...oo~

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