Tuesday, December 02, 2008

tagged again

Tagged by Ryu-chan

What's the relationship of you with him/her?

My old classmate.
My sisterly-bestfriend.
My very good friend.

5 impressions towards him/her?

a bit sensitive
an otaku
Should I say cute or lawa? XP

The most memorable thing that she/he said to you?

My name’s anati (can’t think of others)
“I Like this guy…” or something like that

The most memorable thing that she/he have done to you?

Bought me stuff from her vacations
Punched me anytime she’s bored, or at least that’s how I see it
Piggy-back ride in form 2 and got caught by the teacher XD

If she/he becomes your lover, you will...

Get to know her better I guess
Make her turn straight or at least bi haha =3
Become a great lover, wtf?

If she/he becomes your enemy, you will...

Hope that it would never happen
Find out what’s the main cause of it
Happened once but it was mainly my fault, so I guess I would apologise

If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on...

I don’t think I can think of any…
Can I just leave this question blank?

If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is?

I killed her yuries haha
I accidentally poked her in the eye
I accidentally choked her when we fooled around

The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?

Can’t really do anything, haram bah haha
Help her out when she has a problem
Hang out with her and the other ex-3n, I’m sure she would agree

The overall impression on him/her is?

Should I say cute in pink or should I not?
A great friend
*pick one from question no.1*

How do you think people around you feel about you?

- annoying
- noisy
- crazy
- boring
- You tell me~

The character of you about yourself is?

- I like to think myself as friendly
- I like to help out with what I can
- I’m really not a bad person, really
- can’t think of any

on contrary, the character of yourself you hate is?

- Lazy
- Noisy
- Etc.

The most ideal person you wanna be is?

I wanna be a useful person for once, be successful and maybe if I can, be the good guy in the story.

For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.

Can’t think of anything better to say other than thanks, wish i can tell you people how I feel about you guys.

10 people you tag.

1. Kym
2. peeps
3. ramzul
4. Nora
5. Mujijah
6. Qal
7. Buzz
8. najihah
9. pau zati
10. Wina

Who is No.2 having relationship with?
Wish I know, haven’t met her in a while

No.3 is a female or male?
What do you think HE is from the name?

If No.7 and No.10 were together, would it be a good thing?
Can be together but would be seen in a wrong way by society.

How about No.5 and No.8?
I don’t tink they know each other, maybe

what is No.1 studying about?
That she never told me

Is No.4 single?
Maybe, everyone is so secretive these days

Say something about No.6.
She’s a friend, my ugama classmate djh. 6, my classmate last year, this year and next year. We used to be “close” and now we’re just friends, we joke and laugh, we kid around and stuff. She told me her problems at time and most importantly, she’s a great friend.

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