Thursday, December 04, 2008

fate has it's way

I feel like today is a very ‘crowded’ day. You’ll understand soon enough.

Me, Jynn and Andy planned to go to Shahbandar then to the beach today. I woke up 15 minutes to 7 a.m. so I took a bath, packed my stuff and went to Jynn’s house to pick him up. Turns out he hasn’t had his breakfast so we stayed there for about 15-20 minutes.

Soon after, we went to Andy’s house. Again there was a delay. He was getting dress and stuff and finally we went on our way at around 8.30 maybe.

At Shahbandar, we started our so-called hike with a slow stretch. It seems that we arrived at the same time as a group of students from ITB, around 10-12 or more of them. Since it rained the previous night, the path was a bit slippery. Andy accidentally ripped the middle part of his pants along the way, quite a view, we laughed so hard that our side hurts, kinda relaxed our mind while hiking. It was tiring since it’s been a while since I last went there.

At around 11+ or maybe 12+ p.m. we completed our ‘journey’ and left for Jerudong Park to check out this ‘secret beach’. It’s a private beach actually and the scenery from there is marvellous. Turns out nobody is allowed on the beach.

We finally head out to Tungku beach. We were surprised to see the police, army and firemen around the beach. We were told by one of the officers that a boy drowned in that area the previous day and they haven’t found the body.

So we carried on with our usual activities on the beach; swim, do flips, guitar etc. and at around 3+ p.m. while were resting, one of the nearby officers point out that at one of the area, there were many people running towards it. To our surprise, they finally found the boy’s body and we actually near the spot! It was a relief that they found him but it was a sad incident as well. We walked towards the area where the boy was laid on the ground and along the way, a car carrying the family members of the family passed by. I can see the tears from maybe the mother.

When we reached the spot, the body was surrounded and we changed our mind. Somehow, we felt different after that. It’s like we’re going to swim at the same place as where the boy drowned. It wouldn’t feel right but we tried to ignore it. it’s just the way of life and fate is playing a role in it. By the way, he's only 10 years old and he was swimming with his brothers and cousins. one of them was admitted to the hospital.

At around 5 p.m. we finally came out of the water, changed and drove away to a spot where the view of the sunset is beautiful. We took some pictures and finally go home at around 5.30 p.m. After sending home Andy and Jynn (also after I got an angry call from my mom), I arrived at home around 6.30 p.m. Sure my mom was a bit irritated since I’ve been coming home late these few days.

I do enjoy the day though there were a couple of incidents that got stuck in my mind; the horrified face and stuff. Yes, I am suffering from sunburn after a long day at the beach. Yes, we will do it again soon and finally yes, I am tired and will go to sleep soon after I post this.

p/s: we took quite a number of pictures but I’ll post it up the next time I go to the beach with the guys. Wish there were a couple of girls around that would like to join us. *yes, I am joking*

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